Full-Stack problems are the problems where the required solution is a complete application involving the implementation of the back-end, front-end, and database too.

Evaluation mode

Specify how the solution will be judged for correctness. Automated Testing Framework (ATF): In this mode, the unit test cases are run over the user’s final build of the application.


This section includes the explanation of the case study. This should be detailed and easy to follow.

Difficulty level

Specify the difficulty level of the problem. Possible difficulties are Easy, Medium and Hard.

Execution time limit (in seconds)

Time allotted for the developer's code run. This should be utilized to prevent brute force solutions from getting accepted.try keeping it 600 seconds for resource intensive applications

Allowed application stacks

Specify the application stack which should be allowed for developers to submit their solution code.

Evaluation Master Script

This script will run at the beginning of the solution evaluation to set up the environment (if needed), and to orchestrate testcase-wise evaluation.

Test cases

Test cases are used to evaluate the correctness of the solution. You can specify the weightage for each test case. The larger portion of score will be allocated for the high weightage test cases. Test cases are basically the unit test cases which are run over the candidate’s application:

  • Front-end based: Behavioral test cases are preferred (Make sure you use appropriate wait functions in your code to handle variability in page rendering across different environments).
  • Back-end based: API testing and application’s core functionalities are tested here.
  • Database based: Schema testing is performed here.


Stubs help you add boilerplate code for the solutions. You can provide an already working application, upon which one can build more features.


You can attach the correct application code in any accepted framework here or any other required attachment.


Explanation of application features that will be asked as a part of problem statement problem. Include the image(s) if it can better be explained using them.

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