Script problems

Script problems or Programming problems are problems where the required solution is a script or a program in any of the allowed technologies. You need to understand the below fields to create script problems on DoSelect.

Evaluation mode

Specify how the solution will be judged for correctness.

  • I/O testcase based: In this mode, sets of input files and expected output files are supplied. Developer's submitted solution is run for each input and it's output is compared with the expected output.
  • Automated Testing Framework (ATF): In this mode, the testcase script imports the user's solution and evaluates it.

Problem name

Some fancy name for the problem. If the problems are part of a hackathon/problemset, the name should go along with the theme of the hackathon/problemset.


This explains the problem. The problem description should be interesting and easy to follow.

Difficulty level

Specify the difficulty of the problem. Possible difficulties are Easy, Medium and Hard.

Execution time limit (in seconds)

Time alloted for the developer's code run. This should be utilized to prevent brute force solutions from getting accepted.

Allowed programming languages

Specify the programming languages which should be allowed for developers to submit their solution code.


Add relevant tags for the problem. Eg. Algorithm, Data structures, etc.


Testcases are used to evaluate the correctness of the solution.

  • You can specify the weightage for each testcase. The larger portion of score will be allocated for high weightage testcases.
  • You can also set certain testcases as sample testcases. These testcases will not be used for final evaluation but will be available to developers as Verify with sample testcases.
  • Testcases can be:
    • I/O testcase based: In I/O testcase based, each testcase is a set of an input file and an output file. During evaluation against each testcase, the text in input file is passed to STDIN for solution code to access. The solution code should output the required solution to STDOUT. And then the evaluation engine will compare the output in STDOUT against the output file.
    • Automated Testing Framework (ATF): In ATF mode, each testcase is a script which imports the user's code and checks the implementations for correctness.


Stubs help you add boilerplate code for the solutions. Stubs are added for each technology separately.

Solution Code

The solution code in any accepted language. Make sure to add comments for better understanding.


Explanation of solution to the problem. Include image(s) if it can better explained using them.

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