Custom database support

Custom database can be created for MySQL, PostgreSQL and MongoDB.


Write your sql script to create database(s) and the necessary table(s). Also, populate the table(s) with the necessary data.


DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS `<database-name>`;
CREATE DATABASE `<database-name>`;
USE `<database-name>`;

# Create table(s) and populate them with data


In PostgreSQL, database name will be DoSelect. You need to write sql script to create table(s) and populate them with data.


In Mongodb, database name will be test and collection name will be doselect. You need to add the json data which will be imported to doselect collection.


{ "item": "journal", "qty": 25, "size": { "h": 14, "w": 21, "uom": "cm" }, "status": "A" }
{ "item": "notebook", "qty": 50, "size": { "h": 8.5, "w": 11, "uom": "in" }, "status": "A" }
{ "item": "paper", "qty": 100, "size": { "h": 8.5, "w": 11, "uom": "in" }, "status": "D" }
{ "item": "planner", "qty": 75, "size": { "h": 22.85, "w": 30, "uom": "cm" }, "status": "D" }
{ "item": "postcard", "qty": 45, "size": { "h": 10, "w": 15.25, "uom": "cm" }, "status": "A" }

results matching ""

    No results matching ""